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The ingress resource allows you to expose services in Kubernetes and Nomad tasks to the local machine.
It also allows you to expose applications that are running to the local machine to a Kubernetes or Nomad cluster.
Attributes are the properties of a resource that can be used to configure it.
Port port
If the application to be exposed exists on the target then this is the port that will be opened on the local machine that will direct traffic to the remote service.
If the application exists on the local machine then this is the port where the application is running.
ExposeLocal expose_local
If set to `true` a service running on the local machine will be exposed to the target cluster. If `false` then a service running on the target cluster will be exposed to the local machine.
Target target
The target for the ingress.
OpenInBrowser open_in_browser
path to open in the browser
These attributes are computed when the config is parsed and applied, and are therefor only known at parsetime or runtime.
Meta ID
The full ID of the resource e.g. ``. This is computed from the full resource path:
Meta Type meta.type
The type of the resource. This taken from the type label of the resource definition.
Meta Name
The name of the resource. This taken from the name label of the resource definition.
IngressID ingress_id
The unique identifier for the created ingress.
LocalAddress local_address
The full address where the exposed application can be reached from the local network.
Generally this is the local ip address of the machine running Jumppad and the port where the application is exposed.
RemoteAddress remote_address
The address of the exposed service as it would be rechable from the target cluster.
This is generally a kubernetes service reference and port or for Nomad a rechable IP address and port.