The helm
resource allows Helm charts to be provisioned to k8s_cluster resources.
Attributes are the properties of a resource that can be used to configure it.
Depends depends_on
A reference to a kubernetes clusters to apply the chart to. The system waits until the referenced cluster is healthy before attempting t apply any charts.
The details for the Helm chart repository where the chart exists. I f this property is not specifed, the chart location is assumed to be either a local directory or Git reference.
Chart chart
The name of the chart within the repository, or a souce such as a git repository, URL, or file path where the chart file exist.
Version version
Semver of the chart to install, only used when `repository` is specified.
Values values
File path to a valid Helm values file to be used when applying the config.
ValuesString values_string
Map containing helm values to apply with the chart.
Namespace namespace
Kubernetes namespace to apply the chart to.
CreateNamespace create_namespace
If the namespace does not exist, should the helm resource attempt to create it.
SkipCRDs skip_crds
If the chart defines custom resource definitions, should these be ignored.
Retry retry
Enables the ability to retry the installation of a chart.
Timeout timeout
Maximum time the application phase of a chart can run before failing. This duration is different to the health_check that runs after a chart has been applied.
Health check to run after installing the chart.
Computed Attributes
These attributes are computed when the config is parsed and applied, and are therefor only known at parsetime or runtime.
Meta ID meta.id
The full ID of the resource e.g. `resource.type.name`. This is computed from the full resource path:
Meta Type meta.type
The type of the resource. This taken from the type label of the resource definition.
Meta Name meta.name
The name of the resource. This taken from the name label of the resource definition.
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